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This website was created to explore the basic elements of designs through color and shape. It is a website that can be used to pass time on. It has some basic tasks to be completed by the user which will result in visually satisfying and balanced compositions as a result.

The website uses motion design in relation to how the three primary shapes are psychologically associated with particular movements in terms of velocity, speed and flow.

The website uses primary colors as the base and secondary colors as the user dives deep into the website. (19).gif
Landing Page Edited.gif

This part shows the landing page which displays the three basic shapes from which one is to be picked by the user. (8).gif

Upon clicking on the circle the user is directed to this page where the circles are presented in a bouncing movement, to establish a connection between the circle and what kind of  movement it is perceived to have. (9).gif

Upon clicking on any one circle from the previous page, the user reaches a random page where upon performing simple clicks and drags, balanced compositions are created, like in the above example. (10).gif

Upon clicking on any one circle from the previous page, the user reaches a random page where upon performing simple clicks and drags, balanced compositions are created, like in the above example. (15).gif

Upon choosing the triangle on the Landing Page, the user will be directed to this page, where they must choose one triangle to proceed.

The motion design resonates the movement subconsciously associated with squares. (14).gif

Upon clicking on any one triangle from the previous page, the user reaches a random page where upon performing simple clicks and drags, balanced compositions are created, like in the above example. (13).gif

Upon clicking on any one triangle from the previous page, the user reaches a random page where upon performing simple clicks and drags, balanced compositions are created, like in the above example. (16).gif

Upon choosing the square on the Landing Page, the user will be directed to this page, where they must choose one triangle to proceed.


The motion design resonates the movement subconsciously associated with squares. (17).gif

Upon clicking on any one squarefrom the previous page, the user reaches a random page where upon performing simple clicks and drags, balanced compositions are created, like in the above example. (18).gif

Upon clicking on any one square from the previous page, the user reaches a random page where upon performing simple clicks and drags, balanced compositions are created, like in the above example.

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